Principal Investigator
PhD Students
Kianoush Vali (He/Him)
Kianoush has a background in building engineering (B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering). He is now working on his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (Architectural Engineering concentration) focusing on lighting in buildings. His research aims to determine the impact of architectural lighting design, and especially daylighting design, on the sleep and health of building occupants.
Master Students
Alfiya Orman (She/They)
Alfiya is working on her master's degree in Civil Engineering with focus on lighting in built spaces. She researches the validation of spectral simulation tools and integration of daylighting and electric lighting systems in living spaces. They are interested in the effects of lighting on human health and energy consumption.
Spontaneous Applications
If you are interested in doing research with me at Oregon State University, please visit the future students page for URA, MS, and PhD, the grad school page for postdocs. After that send me an email so that we can discuss opportunities. Please include a description of your interests and how they fit with our work, along with an up-to-date resume.